Sample Configuration Files

Below are sample configuration files for running a Stacks node and signer provided in one place for convenience. You'll need to modify some of these according to the How to Run a Signer doc.

Testnet Signer

# The IP address and port where your Stacks node can be accessed. 
# The port 20443 is the default RPC endpoint for Stacks nodes. 
# Note that you must use an IP address - DNS hosts are not supported at this time.
# This should be the IP address accessible via Docker, usually via a network.
node_host = ""

# This is the location where the signer will expose an RPC endpoint for 
# receiving events from your Stacks node.
endpoint = ""

# Either “testnet” or “mainnet”
network = "testnet"

# this is a file path where your signer will persist data. If using Docker, 
# this must be within a volume, so that data can be persisted across restarts
db_path = "/var/stacks/signer.sqlite"

# an authentication token that is used for some HTTP requests made from the 
# signer to your Stacks node. You’ll need to use this later on when configuring 
# your Stacks node. You create this field yourself, rather than it being generated 
# with your private key.
auth_password = "$your_http_auth_token"

# This is the privateKey field from the keys you generated in the 
# previous step.
stacks_private_key = "$your_stacks_private_key"

Testnet Stacks Node

This is the configuration you'll need to run a Stacks follower node if you are also running a signer. Be sure to change the commented lines to the appropriate data for your setup. If you are not familiar with the process of setting up a signer, be sure to follow the How to Run a Signer guide.

An overview of all Stacks node configuration options can be found in the Stacks Node Configuration doc.

Additions necessary specifically to run a signer are the [connection_options] and [[events_observer]] sections and the stacker = true line. There are also a few comments detailing other lines that need to change.

# Set this based on where you downloaded 
# the chain state archive as described in the How to Run a Signer guide:
working_dir = "/data-dir-somewhere"
rpc_bind = ""
p2p_bind = ""
# This is the node that your node will use to begin syncing chain state
bootstrap_node = ""
stacker = true

chain = "bitcoin"
mode = "xenon"
peer_host = ""
username = "blockstack"
password = "blockstacksystem"
rpc_port = 18332
peer_port = 18333

# Set your auth token, which the signer uses
# This should match the auth_password field of your signer config
block_proposal_token = "12345"

# Set your signer as an event observer
# This endpoint is where your signer will communicate with your Stacks node
endpoint = ""
retry_count = 255
include_data_events = false
events_keys = ["stackerdb", "block_proposal", "burn_blocks"]

amount = 10000000000000000

address = "ST319CF5WV77KYR1H3GT0GZ7B8Q4AQPY42ETP1VPF"
amount = 10000000000000000

address = "ST221Z6TDTC5E0BYR2V624Q2ST6R0Q71T78WTAX6H"
amount = 10000000000000000

amount = 10000000000000000

Mainnet Signer

This config is very similar to the testnet config, except the network field is changed.

# The IP address and port where your Stacks node can be accessed. 
# The port 20443 is the default RPC endpoint for Stacks nodes. 
# Note that you must use an IP address - DNS hosts are not supported at this time.
# This should be the IP address accessible via Docker, usually via a network.
node_host = ""

# This is the location where the signer will expose an RPC endpoint for 
# receiving events from your Stacks node.
endpoint = ""

# Either “testnet” or “mainnet”
network = "mainnet"

# this is a file path where your signer will persist data. If using Docker, 
# this must be within a volume, so that data can be persisted across restarts
db_path = "/var/stacks/signer.sqlite"

# an authentication token that is used for some HTTP requests made from the 
# signer to your Stacks node. You’ll need to use this later on when configuring 
# your Stacks node. You create this field yourself, rather than it being generated 
# with your private key.
auth_password = "$your_http_auth_token"

# This is the privateKey field from the keys you generated in the 
# previous step.
stacks_private_key = "$your_stacks_private_key"

Mainnet Stacks Node

With a mainnet Stacks node config, you'll need to change the bootstrap node field and the burnchain fields. Other than that, the ustx_balance fields are not necessary.

# Set this based on where you downloaded 
# the chain state archive as described in the How to Run a Signer guide:
working_dir = "/data-dir-somewhere"
rpc_bind = ""
p2p_bind = ""
# This is the node that your node will use to begin syncing chain state
bootstrap_node = ",,,"
stacker = true

chain = "bitcoin"
mode = "mainnet"
peer_host = ""
username = "blockstack"
password = "blockstacksystem"
rpc_port = 8332
peer_port = 8333

# Set your auth token, which the signer uses
# This should match the auth_password field of your signer config
block_proposal_token = "12345"

# Set your signer as an event observer
# This endpoint is where your signer will communicate with your Stacks node
endpoint = ""
retry_count = 255
include_data_events = false
events_keys = ["stackerdb", "block_proposal", "burn_blocks"]

Last updated